Common support queries

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Revision as of 16:16, 29 April 2020 by Dgb chilling (talk | contribs) (Added Core Wallet re-sync info)
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I can't connect to any peers, and cannot sync in Android / iOS (Stuck at 5%)

This is likely a DNS issue caused by a lot of budget / freely provided home routers.

You want to do the following steps:

  1. Turn off your WiFi on your phone
  2. Power off your device
  3. Power it back on while connected to JUST mobile-data such as a 3G / 4G data connection
  4. Fire up the DigiByte mobile app and wait for the syncing to begin
  5. Once syncing has begun, you can re-join your WiFi

You must do these steps in this order so that when your phone powers on, it asks your mobile-carrier for DNS. Often times home routers will keep providing stale DNS entries to devices such as Cellphones on WiFi, meaning even if you reboot your phone while on WiFi you still won't have much luck.

Why do I have no connection to peers in DigiByte Core?

You likely have a firewall blocking connections, or a DNS issue. You can try bringing up the Debug menu and entering:

addnode add
addnode add
addnode add
addnode add
addnode add
addnode add
addnode add
addnode add
addnode add
addnode add

When entering these in, it will not give any "Success" or similar message. No response means it worked, and you should then be connected to that peer.

This should help "jump start" your connection to the DigiByte network and aid you in finding further peers after that.

Why won't my older version of DigiByte Core fully sync? Even after updating?

If you haven't opened the DigiByte Core Wallet in a while, or opened it while running an older version after the Odocrypt network upgrade took place, it's likely that you sync'd a few blocks from the non-Odocrypt blockchain. As a result now, the wallet isn't wanting to "undo" the sync of those blocks, despite you having upgraded.

Don't worry though, your funds are still 100% safe, and the fix is an easy one, you just need to re-sync with the blockchain once you've upgraded your wallet to the latest. You can download from

Firstly, backup your existing wallet as a precautionary measure (You should already have a backup, take another one). If you have your Core Wallet open, you can go to File -> Backup menu.

Second, you'll need to remove the old Blocks / Indexes directories on your PC. This is in a different place depending on your Operating System:




~/Library/Application Support/DigiByte/



Find and remove the "Blocks" directory, and (if it exists) the "indexes" directory as well. You can safely leave the other files there, and you especially want to make sure you DO NOT remove the wallet.dat or Wallets folder.

Fire up the Core Wallet again (7.17.2 at the time of writing) and it will re-download the blockchain. The sync process could take a couple of hours, but once completed you will see all your funds are there, safe and sound.